"To know Christ and make Christ known."
Our vision statement inspires everything we do. FPC is a place where questions can be asked, and the truth will be explored. It's a place where love rules and the message of Jesus Christ is proclaimed and enacted. It's not the most creative vision statement in the world, but keeps our community focused on what really matters. It is simple. It is the Gospel.
Our Vision
The church was founded on April 10, 1812, near Murfree Spring in what was to become known as the town of Murfreesboro. The original church building was erected in what is now part of the Old City Cemetery on Vine Street and was used during the Civil War as a hospital, first by Confederates and then Union forces. The original building was destroyed. A new building site was chosen and a building erected in 1867. It was damaged in the 1913 tornado, and major repairs and design changes were made to the roof and structure. The work was completed by 1914. The office area and Sunday school rooms were added in 1959. A new common room with additional classrooms, parlor, elevator and kitchen was completed in 1998. The church held a Bicentennial Celebration in 2012 to commemorate its 200th year in Murfreesboro.
Our History
Welcome to First Presbyterian!
In the spring of 2012, the Session of First Presbyterian Church adopted as the missional purpose of the church, "To Know Christ and To Make Christ Known." Since that date, we have been asking ourselves as a church what it means to follow Jesus into the world. Here on the corner of College and Spring, we have faithfully gathered from generation to generation living out such a faith. My name is John Hinkle, Jr., and I am privileged to serve as the Senior Pastor of this wonderful church family. Regardless of where you are in terms of your relationship with Jesus; He will meet you where you are, but He will not leave you as you are. Jesus is in the life-transforming business, and He is ready to make you into a new creation that will shine brightly in this world. Your friends at First Presbyterian Church of Murfreesboro look forward to this journey together with you.
Our Pastors

Rev. Dr. John Hinkle, Jr.
Senior Pastor

Rev. Bobby Harding
Associate Pastor for Family Ministries
Our Vision
"To know Christ and make Christ known."
Our vision statement inspires everything we do. FPC is a place where questions can be asked, and the truth will be explored. It's a place where love rules and the message of Jesus Christ is proclaimed and enacted. It's not the most creative vision statement in the world, but keeps our community focused on what really matters. It is simple. It is the Gospel.
Our History
The church was founded on April 10, 1812, near Murfree Spring in what was to become known as the town of Murfreesboro. The original church building was erected in what is now part of the Old City Cemetery on Vine Street and was used during the Civil War as a hospital, first by Confederates and then Union forces. The original building was destroyed. A new building site was chosen and a building erected in 1867. It was damaged in the 1913 tornado, and major repairs and design changes were made to the roof and structure. The work was completed by 1914. The office area and Sunday school rooms were added in 1959. A new common room with additional classrooms, parlor, elevator and kitchen was completed in 1998. The church held a Bicentennial Celebration in 2012 to commemorate its 200th year in Murfreesboro.