College and Young Adults
College and Young Adults
Connecting faith to life.
First Presbyterian is a big sponsor of Presbyterian Student Fellowship (PSF) at MTSU. PSF is an on-campus ministry designed to help students connect with other students, grow closer to God, and learn a few tricks for thriving in college life. It's a place to develop and apply faith to life, and to help students find out more about who God has created us to be.
PSF meets every Sunday and Thursday night. On Sunday evenings there is a coffee house and worship service at the PSF house. Free dinner is provided on Thursday nights and small-group Bible study meets. Expect a casual atmosphere with a praise band and some discussion about how faith is relevant to life at MTSU.
You can find out more information about weekly meetings and special events like tailgating, retreats, mission trips and more by visiting their website.
Wonderful Wednesdays:
$3 Dinner for College Students
Each Wednesday during the school year the church gathers at 5:00 p.m. for dinner and fellowship. It is a great time to get to know people across the generations and for college students it's the cheapest, most delicious home-cooked meal in town. If you're interested, from 6-7 p.m. choirs practice, youth small groups happen, and adult classes meet. Come and stay or come just to eat. Either way we're happy to have you!